Monday, October 25, 2010

Franks And Weenies

I had a dream where Matt, Eli, and myself were at a fair/arcade. We were looking for a game to play, when we came upon one that only cost a quarter. It was an over the shoulder flying game where you directed a bunch of triangles through a cave. Matt put a quarter in and found that it was a two player (turn based) game, so I too put a quarter in as well. Matt started to play. He was zooming all over the cave, when Eli (Who happened to be outrageously drunk) bumbled in, and took over. This is where I got angry, because Eli sucks at most video games. I tried to wrestle Eli away from the game, but he's a big guy so it didn't really work. Amidst the chaos I had time to consider how much of a bummer it was that Matt was missing his turn. It was now that I woke up. This dream happened a few days ago, and I'm still kinda angry at Eli because he ruined Matt's turn, and I never even got to have my turn. I also used one of my dream quarters and never got anything for it, and who really even knows how much money I carry around in my dreams. I could have something like 3 bucks, and now I'm down to $2.75. Eli is a goddamn bastard.


  1. There's a second part to this whole event that makes me angry at Drew.

  2. I can't believe Eli ruined my turn, and didn't even let you get a turn!
