Friday, October 15, 2004

Baxter Black's thoughts on the battleship "Yamato"

The Japanese ship "Yamato" was the largest battleship to ever sail the sea. She was a destroyer and flagship of the Japanese fleet during World War II. The Japanese believed that the strength of a fleet was in the destroyer, but an unforeseen shift towards aviation based carriers would ultimately be Japan’s undoing. The Yamato only fired it's gigantic guns once in a small skirmish. Sadly it was sunk in the desperate "Ten Go" mission where the last ten surviving battleships of the Japanese fleet went on a kamikaze mission to sink what American ships they could. They would never make it to the opposing fleet. Their air cover had gone up ahead to use themselves as bombs and therefore there was nothing protect the last great battleships from the swarms of American bombers. After receiving 10 torpedo hits, and 10 dive bombs hits, the great Yamato rolled over and exploded into a huge mushroom cloud. A sign of things to come.

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